THP 023: Recovering From Lyme Disease With Chantelle Wegner

Happiness can essentially be boiled down to three key things; Something to do, Someone to love, & Something to look forward to - Dr Gordon Livingston
Chantelle Wegner talks about her recovery from Lyme disease.
In this episode, we talk about how Chantelle contracted a Borrelia infection as a result of being bitten by a tick. Within a couple of weeks being bitten, she started to notice some issues with her health and over time when these symptoms persisted she started to look into Lyme disease as a cause of her symptoms.
Eventually, she was able to get a diagnosis of Lyme Disease and was introduced to Naturopath John Coleman who has been helping her recover.
This interview with Chantelle was part of a longer interview that I did with Naturopath John Coleman talking about his recovery from Parkinson’s disease and how he’s helping others do the same.
- Today's Guest
Chantelle Wegner
In this conversation Chantelle discribes how she contracted lyme disease and what she has had to go through in order to recover her health.
- TOPICS Discussed
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