THP 022: The CSIRO low carb study for the management of type-2 diabetes with professor campbell thompson

Happiness can essentially be boiled down to three key things; Something to do, Someone to love, & Something to look forward to - Dr Gordon Livingston
Professor Campbell Thompson has 30 years of clinical research and practice in Australia and the United Kingdom. He is currently Senior Consultant in General Medicine practising at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and Flinders Medical Centre in South Australia.
Before becoming a General Medical practitioner, he spent many years specialising in renal medicine.
In this episode, we talk about a randomised controlled study through the CSIRO comparing Low Carbohydrate Diets vs High Carbohydrate Diets in the management of Type 2 Diabetes.
- Today's Guest
Professor Campbell Thompsom
Professor Thompson had a crucial role in designing and overseeing the CSIRO clinical trial looking at the effects of a low carbohydrate approach to nutrition on type 2 diabetes.
South Australia, 5005
- TOPICS Discussed
*You can click on a time to go to that section in the audio
5:01 – Research paper; Glycemic variability – assessing glycemia differently and the implications for dietary management of diabetes by Jeannie Tay, Campbell Thompson, and Grant D. Brinkworth
6:47 – Continuous glucose monitoring
8:29 – Methods to diagnosis diabetes
9:29 – Associated health issues with glucose variability
10:13 – CSIRO study; Comparison of low- and high-carbohydrate diets for type 2 diabetes management: a randomized trial
10:43 – The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
14:34 – The breakdown of macronutrients between the low carb and the high carb arm of the study
18:47 – The outcomes of the study
22:52 – How to approach reducing medication on a low carb diet
26:44 – CSIRO announcement based on this study?
27:25 – Lipid profile changes in participants of the low carb arm of the study
30:34 – How would this approach work for those with more advanced Type 2 Diabetes?
34.06 – Future directions for CSIRO studies